Have the bandwidth の本当の意味

Have the bandwidth の本当の意味
Bandwidthとは元々、”帯域幅”というIT用語ですが、Have the bandwidth というフレーズで
Sorry, I don’t have the bandwidth to take this job right now.
カテゴリー: 日記 パーマリンク

Have the bandwidth の本当の意味 への1件のコメント

  1. Naoki のコメント:

    I checked the meaning of bandwidth in business situation, and found out Kazuhito Hara.
    I encountered the sentence as below in business.
    Kindly share the start date and bandwidth if it is required to follow up your assignment in the system.
    What does it mean?
    I need to ask the people in my company.
    Good luck. my good friend!
    From your university friend

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